Fairfield County Writers Group

National Novel Writing Month

On NaNoWriMo.org we are USA::Connecticut::Fairfield County. FCWG organizer R J Theodore (user rjtheodore) is the Municipal Liaison for our region.

NaNoWriMo events can be found on our Google Events Calendar.

In-person write-ins will be resuming for 2022! Thank long-time member Nancy for working hard to set up last-minute write-ins with local area libraries and cafés. Check the Google Calendar for the latest event schedule.

We also recommend joining the Discord Chat for anytime sprints using Sprinto, and you can scan our Google calendar for the Zoom write-in options!

If you will not be attending in-person writing dates, but would still like a NaNoWriMo participation sticker, please send a SASE to:

Rekka Jay / FCWG
PO Box 8137
New Fairfield, CT 06812

The following resources have been found across the internet (usually from other Municipal Liaisons). Please let us know if you catch before we do that any of the links go defunct or the content becomes unrelated.